Thursday, Feb 2, 2-3 pm; repeated Wednesday, Feb 8, 4-5 pm (This is a read-together book club.)
Reading: Caravan by R.A. Montgomery | We live in Tibet with our family. Once a year, our father travels with a caravan over the mountain passes to far-away India. The caravan brings yak wool from Tibet and silks from China to trade for Indian spices and tea. Our father's helper can't join him this year – are we brave enough to take his place? The caravan of yaks, ponies and camels crosses a dangerous mountain trails, and travels through places very different than our home. The fate of all we have ever known is in our hands. Do we join forces with another caravan? Will we try to sneak past bandits in the night? Can we trust an old man dressed like a monk? Through the entire journey, WE will decide what happens next! Snacks and activity kit provided. Registration is required. | This book club is sponsored by Chooseco, LLC. |